HI ALL.  Eleanor Mead`s post reminded me of the date approaching for the
Prarie Dog eradication effort out west & north.  There is a watchdog
group called "Defenders of Wildlife" that you can join for free, and
receive a free newsletter every so often, informing you of pending
situations like this!  Any of you who have or still do, go to the Nat.
Zoo`s "Black Footed Ferret Cam", can see that this Prarie dog program
is off the track!  Prarie dogs are the Black Footed Ferret`s main source
of food, and they are being re-introduced into these same areas slated
for P D elimination!  If you would like to join the Defenders of
Wildlife, their email address is:>>>>> [log in to unmask] <<<<
The newsletter is excellent, and was on top of this story on 9/2, but
only those who subscribe will know sooner, in the future!
john r. jdr. & the Gang.
[Posted in FML issue 4662]