Hi Rick,
I sure AM GLAD you brought this point up again.  I have over the years
stressed our related shelter work was animal welfare in nature.  That
being said so many folks STILL ASSUME that we are AR activists.  NOT SO.
If anyone really does their homework and gets to the crux of animal
rightist thinking they will find that in fact PETA would abolish all pet
ownership.  The ideal situation is that pets should live in the wild...
so you know many animals will not survive in the wild say goodbye to a
planet with those pets.
PETA theorizes that animals should not work-- that in my mind slaps in
the face of history where farmers loggers and the rest did successfully
utilize these animals who are born to work... by eliminating these
animals work you are putting an end to life as nature intended for
them -- diminishing their health through lack of exercise and say goodbye
to those animals.  Certainly in many situations industry has made
machines to do the work but continue to allow those who work the old
trades with their creatures do so!  Industry is not always the best of
progress .... whatever happened to quality and pride in trades?
IN A PERFECT WORLD I guess robots could take the place of loving warm
blooded animals with souls, I have yet to find that likely to happen.
Animals add quality to human existence, they teach us great lessons on
unconditional love, trust, and require only food , shelter and respect in
return.  I DO STRONGLY feel we need to advocate for those domesticated
animals whom are abused and neglected... BUT I do not think that people
should lose the privilege of pet ownership, the right to be included in
a human family as PETA, HSUS and others are now moving in the rightest
front with guardianship laws.
For those who have not done their homework in states like MD where the
guardianship laws have been enacted-- people do not own their pets,
they pay the costs to purchase etc., -- but now have the right to be
supervised and governed by humane entities who can remove those pets
under suspicion of neglect or abuse.  Once that happens if the human
wants to have the right to possess animals again they must hire legal
representation and fight their case with all costs of care of the seized
animals etc added.
I HAVE seen these illegal seizures of animals occur in NH and New England
states over the past few years in great numbers and even when the states
animal staff orders return of the animals the shelters have refused..
taking thousands of dollars form the human victims in legal expense and
still loosing the rights to their beloved pets.
It is an eye-opener to see these actions come to fruition - seeing your
rights stripped away for no mare than a phone call form an unidentified
source.  It happens in America and though we know merchandising pets is
not perfect-- I am sure the retailers are dealing with A LOT of the same
The really interesting thing is that we ( ferret community) will readily
call PETA to claim action on behalf of the ferret-- without even
realizing they do NOT advocate ferrets as pets.... Maybe a little more
thought should be generated before picking up the phone to call that
agency?  In the eyes of PETA any animal that requires meat historically
in their diet should be a wild animal and thus you can maybe see why
getting ferrets removed from the wildlife rosters is not such an easy
thing to do these days.
This (AR) movement is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion --
taking the rights of competent and caring folks to possess their pets
( as they have been throughout the history of the US) because they might
not - IN THE MINDS OF THE RIGHTEST provide the care required.
If you look really deep this movement lies at the crux of the humane
movement- they want the power to decide what, is a pet, who can have them
and they will not let up until they have governing power over the animals
and those who would enjoy the company of pets.
Look at the mergers in the past of the Humane organizations.... Now
The Fund for animals (CA) is about to merge with HSUS... and their
philospohies are diverse .  Each time a merger occurs it seems the AW
folks get pushed into the back while control goes to the AR.
Please take a few moments and find where you really stand.  The animals
and the rights of humans to possess them as family depend on it.
Alicia Drakiotes
pet owner, animal welfare advocate & shelter volunteer
[Posted in FML issue 4661]