Hello my friends!  i'm excited to hear the 2005 Ferret Symposium is
coming along, i'm sure it will be as fun as always!
It's been an up and down couple of weeks at the shelter.  We got some bad
news on Dazzle, our resident tough girl Dazzle is not doing so well.  2
weeks ago, auntie Bonnie found lumps on either side of Dazzle's jaw.  the
tests prove it's cancer.  the vets were unable to prove if it's lymphoma
or a metastatic disease.  either way, her blood results were very poor
and she may not have long.  Not to worry though, we already have a great
foster home lined up for her!!!
Little Barbie had a tooth problem last week.  she had an abscess and is
now on antibiotics to make her feel better.  with a little luck, she'll
be going back to her permanent foster mommie next weekend!
Our resident big boy twins were adopted into a loving home with our
favorite artist friend, auntie Selina!  They have already made themselves
at home and are loving all the extra attention!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!
Love, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4661]