<<10News.com - News - Animal Abuse Allegedly Uncovered At PETCO
Supplier.htm>>    [Not a web link.  BIG]
As I look at the slide show, that is attached to this news report, I see
ferrets (plus).  How sad, the ferrets (plus), all look so thirsty, it's
heart breaking.
I am going to go take a real close look, at my local Petco and see what
is their living conditions.  I hope I haven't seen these conditions and
not noticed.  We do have rats, birds & fish at my Petco.  They have cats
& dogs their from an adoption groups.  We, of course, don't have ferrets
in California.
Next time you stop in your local petstore, please take a closer look, I
know I will.
[Posted in FML issue 4659]