Hi again, as in my other post about our open house on Nove 6th, we always
have great ferret stuff for our raffle prizes.  This year we are in need
of some donations.  I have been busy with work and the shelter and
haven't had much extra time to gather up much stuff, we do have some
stuff already but we always like top make it big so everyone has a chance
of winning something.  So if you have a business that makes ferrety stuff
for the ferrets or humans and would like to send something for our
fundraiser please send it to
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
5737 Baffy Cir
Las Vegas, Nv 89142
Also send catalogs, business cards etc advertising your products, we will
promote that as well.
Just a quick update on the shelter ferrets, we have taken in over 240
ferrets this year, and have over 120 ferrets here and 20 in foster homes
right now.  some are adoptable but as with all ferret shelters many will
stay here for this rest of their lives.  So raising funds for their
medical bills, food and upkeep is critical to have the ability to keep
the doors open and keep saving lives.  We are still rescuing the poor
ferrets out of California, one got dropped off to me today from a woman
in Riverside and our awsome Dave the Driver is heading to San Diego to
pick up a ferret at the shelter there.
so please anything you can do to help us help them would be so greatly
We will also link your website if you have one to ours for future
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 4658]