Sorry guys, but I have to say a few things..
1. deciding to boycott Arnies films and videos, is well.. mmm.. a
waste of time..
he made something like 90 million on his last few films..  so you
think it will matter ?  so don't rent kindergarten cop for the 18th
time..  mmmm..  sorry..
2, saying that "spayed and or neutered ferrets" don't represent a danger
is simplifying the point... they live for average of 9 years, and, "IF"
they "can" survive in the wild... imagine the impact on the local
population of birds , small mammals etc ?  should a small collection of
ferrets escape to the wild.. ?  , even if they do not breed...(unlikely)
and even if they "cannot" survive in the wild ( which we all know they
can't) then who is to say what diseases, viruses, etc they may carry ?
(yes we all know there isn't hardly any, but ..  is it proven to the
satisfaction of the CA government. ?)  if you were running your own
state, and were ask to introduce an animal that "may" increase the
risk of rabies, or distemper etc etc..  would you say yes?  without
scientific backup ?
seriously people..  we need to let this rest, and stop getting was a great and wonderful opportunity..  but it didn't
happen..  it did however help open the doors..
lets just stop "bad-mouthing" the decision, and work forward to a better
solution ?
[Posted in FML issue 4655]