Ok--folks this is SaraFerret's mommy-we are still having trouble at
ferretlovers email.  So temporarily if you all hear from us--it will
be [log in to unmask]   This is because I, dumb Mommy, cant
remember the password I used at critterpost--DUH!  So hopefully tomorrow
you will all be able to read this.
Mommy says she is so sorry dat she couldnt get de notice sooner.  She has
a lousy fwu shot and her arm hurts and she felts so sleepy.
Well anyways, dere was a Pooh ferret who came war dancing across de
bridge with an obviously bulging packpack.  I introduces myself and after
sherecovers from de shock of seeing a very rumpled ferret girl with a
pith helmet and outfit like dat croc hunter guy and plus dusty bent wings
and the ever present bent halo, she says Hi.  I tells her dat she crossed
de Bwidge where she wont haves no more pain or dat lousy lymphoma.  I
tells her dat I had it for two years before it finally wiped me out and
dat de nite before I went to de vet my legs were paralyzed and dat I had
developed a giant group of bumps on my head--Mommy fed me water all night
and didnt even get upset when I wet on her--she just cried and cried.
She said I was a real fighter and I know dat I was really a cross for
mommy to bear because I had bit her from the moment she gots me 7 years
ago--well since I had been bounced against de wall all de time by
previous peoples, she figures she would just love me in spite of it.  I
was her favorite andfirst.  So I sent a whisper message to your Mommy
Holly telling her dat my mommy knew how she feels.  I hope she got de
There was some other furries from her business dere to meet her along wit
my sidekick Isabel--and so we went over to de big warehouse where dere
was hammies and halo, and wings and tells her to pick out her favorite.
She wanted pink of everyting--hammie, sparkly halo, and the really
popular wings (wowsie-dose kits at de kit n kaboodle are really gonna
have to hustle on getting de glitter on doese wings and halos).  She of
course wanted a tour.  So we strapped on our wings and offs we goes--I
took her to my favorite place--de nortland where my ermine fweinds live.
Dey all came out and she was so surprised dat dey were all white--I
splained dat technically dey werent ferrets, but were mustys of a sort
and dat I had lived up dere while I was going thru my snit--long story
and dat de ermine mommys had fed all de baby ferret kits dat came wit me
and dat a few had decided to become ermines as dey was white too.  How
interesting she says.  You seem to know so much about dis place.  (Ok to
be quite honest that little girl is a nice kind ferret-no jokes about my
little head or nothing).  I can seen dat we will be cwose fweings.  Rats
wish dat lisp goes away-hards to talk.
Den we check out de tropics and other tings but I could see dat her
energy was flagging.  She tells me dat she has to find a pwace to rest.
So off we fwew to meet her friends.  Since dere old pwace was so small
dey had to find a new one--I pointed out a beautiful oak twee with leafs
and all dat and dat de branches were so low dat dey could hang dere
hammies right from dere.  So dere we was.
She says I betcha wonders what Is got in my secret backpack--she started
dwagging out all dese toys--she was hoping dat someone would like to pway
fetch wit her.  I tells her dat de black-foots ferrets loves to do dat-
dey are kinds of rough as dey are wild ones, but when it come down to it
dey are a gentle as a lady ferret.  She was thrilled about dat and den I
says well even de Boss comes occasionally to pway catch and fetch when He
isnt too busy.  She seemed stunned-wow He would do dat.  Sure he loves us
ferrets cus we dance for joy and dook and he loves a happy gwoup.
She sniffled a little bit and said dat she hopes her mommy, Holly would
be ok as de last time she saw her she was cwying so hard, but dat she had
to go to de bwidge.  Well let me show you someting---dere is your Mommy
right down dere and wowsie her mommy was waving to her.  She says how did
Mommy know where I would be.  I tells her dat mommies are always keeping
twacks of dere furkids as we get lost so quick.  Dat brighten up her
right away.  She yawned and I asked her if she wanted me to help her into
her hammie and tuck her blankies around her.  We said a few little words
of happiness and den I patted her on her head and sang a lullaby and she
wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on de nose.  I rocked her
for a long time and den I went back to my pwace and shed a tead for my
mommy who Is still miss.
Loves and peace and dooks from de Rainbow Bwidge
SaraFerret and her earth Mommy
[Posted in FML issue 4682]