As I read some of these posts I shake my head in amazement.  I used to
listen to a radio broadcaster Robert D. Raiford.  I will quote him as
calling people here "The United States of the Offended".
If seeing a ferret pelt or any other animal byproduct on e-bay bothers
you then commonsense says don't look those things up.
I am a armature taxidermist.  I have a few skulls and hides from assorted
animals that I have picked up here and there, normally off the road.
Tanning a hide is not easy and takes some time.  Anyone wanting a hide
or skull has to pay for my hard work and materials.
Most of my pieces are used in Native American displays in places like
public library's and I have never received a negative comment.  As a
matter of face most of the Marines I work with find it amazing that a
women knows how to prepare a hide.
I can see where a city person may find the practice barbaric but where
I'm from it's a way of life that my father passed to me and was taught
to him by his family on the reservation.  It was also common (and is
sometimes still done)that your dog or horse be skinned when they pass
or even killed when you die to be buried with you.  It is acceptable
because that is their way of life.
Have I ever skinned out one of my pets?  No I have not.  I do own a
couple of dog skulls that I found along the side of roads.  Will I dig up
my own dog to sell the parts, no.  But if I have a need to feed my family
I grantee you that I'll have what hides and skulls I do own up for sale
on e-bay.  If people wish to protest thats their right but don't expect
me to be civil as I protect my rights.
I would much rather preserve my fur kids hides and return their other
remains to the earth then to leave them to the vet who just chucks them
into a pit or burns them.
Well, thats enough of my ranting and raving.  If you still think that
taxidermy is bad, pick up a local paper or turn on the news and spend
some time looking at what we do to each other as well as to our own
children.  When you are able to do everything you can to help your
neighbor, then you can help others.
Peace from Harmony House
Where all you need to get along is four legs and fur
[Posted in FML issue 4680]