i am looking to see if this has happened to anyone else.  nibs was fine
and playing all day.  at 6:30 pm i noticed a blood smear where nibs was
standing.  we put him by himself in a hospital cage and at 7 pm he passed
a blood clot looking poo about half the size of a dime.  at 10:30 pm he
gushed about 20 cc of frank red blood and we ran for the vet.  he was
kept all day sunday and we picked him up sunday evening.  he was eating,
drinking, peeing and pooping all with out blood or vomitting.  his poo
looked a bit grainy on sunday and monday morning but by monday afternoon
it was normal.  tuesday he seemed kind of blah and we suspected maybe he
was depressed from being separated.  wednesday evening i put a cage mate
in with him and he perked right up and started playing.  thursday morning
i awoke to a totally trashed hospital cage and 2 rolling wrestling
ferrets.  this afternoon i put them back in the large cage, all labs and
cultures were negative.  adv neg.  the vet has no idea what happened.
he is 110% back to normal.  any ideas?
[Posted in FML issue 4652]