Hello everyone.  I won't be on the rest of the day or this weekend.
I have a function to go to tonight for work.  Then Shawn has shoulder
surgery tomorrow.  He is SO not looking forward to that.  Last time it
was a mess and just make it worse.  But we both like this doc.  So
hopefully it will do ok this time.  His mom is here to help to.  thank
goodness cause I couldn't take care of him, the ferrets and work... just
not gonna happen.  he'd lose!
Today also marks the day a year ago that Shawns dad passed away suddenly
from a blood clot.
I am picking up Abbys remains today... I want to thank everyone for
keeping us in their thoughts and prayers through Abby.  I would like to
thank Di for sending me the beautiful Daisy.  they are still beautiful!
And for Mary Jo and Rich for the wonderful card.  thank you all.  to
everyone that sent wishes or hugged their babies a little closer..
Thank you..  I would be lost without everyone.
If you missed Abbys story you can see it at
http://www.geocities.com/ferretcorneraz/Abby.html  but you will need
On a happy note..  Nibbles and Zeus, two shelter adrenal kids that can't
have surgery again are both growing fur back!  They are still real active
and still love life!  They are hyper and active and ready to take on the
world!  And.  even our 12 year old Bugz is still up and going.  Shawn
keeps thinking I'm giving him Viagra or something!
Take care and I will try to get on over the weekend to check on things.
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4680]