Several have told me they submitted letters to California stating that
the only two states that are illegal to ferret are California and Hawaii.
In 1996, we had ferrets flying in from Australia but since we could have
them land and change planes in California, they had to go through Hawaii.
We contacted the governor with the impression that they were illegal
and were astonished to find that they are NOT illegal.  The governor
explained that ferrets are required to have a 1 year quarantine before
being allowed into the state.  The quarantine is extremely expensive and
therefore, maybe people state it's just as bad as being illegal.  But
the governor explained there were at least 25 ferrets in Hawaii.  So we
got special permission to allow the ferrets to stay the night in Hawaii.
They were extremely nice to them, allowing them to stay the night and fed
them, gave them water, etc.  The governor was so amused by the ferrets,
we actually got a letter from him and his staff on how great they were.
But even today the ferrets are not illegal in Hawaii but the quarantine
makes it almost impossible to bring them in.  To my knowledge, the only
state still listing them as illegal is California.  But I thought this
tidbit of information could come in handy especiallly since California
is the only state who has not opened up.  Hawaii is open to them but you
have to go through quarantine for 1 year.
[Posted in FML issue 4624]