This letter has been a long time in the writing and the story is somewhat
long.  I took in a sweet, DEW seven year old male named Bear this summer.
His original owner, a wonderful, bright, good-looking young man named
Johnny died tragically.  Bear had never been without Johnny his whole
seven years of life.  Johnny's grandma, Bets, wanted to keep Bear after
Johnny died but she broke her hip and couldn't look after him properly.
I ended up with him and no matter how hard I tried he just couldn't
adjust.  The pictures I took of him during this time would break your
heart.  He tried playing in the tunnels, bags, etc but he was miserable.
He died shortly after I got him and I had to call Bets and tell her I
failed her and Johnny.  What I'm hoping one of you will do is check on
the Bear, make sure he found his beloved Johnny and let me know so I can
send the post to Bets.  Thank you angel ferrets.
I forgot to add that the Bear loved grape pedialyte, bandits treats,
graham crackers, raisins, and licorice.  I think he learned his snacking
habits from Johnny's college days!
[Posted in FML issue 4642]