Oh Dearest Sandee & Sara Ferret
I am not writing to you to welcome someone, although if you could check
on my precious Princess who started to go severely downhill at this time
last year.  Please tell her I still miss her so much, that would be
great.  Also, My sweet girls, Boots, Samantha, Tori Princess.  And my
boys, Smokey & Bandit.  Please let them know I have not, nor will I ever
forget them.
No.  I am writing to ask you if you could possibly ask all of the kids
to gather together, put their paws together in prayer and pray for all of
those humans who have sufferered terrible losses, of thier homes ,but
worse, their loved ones.  I'm sure you could see all of the comotion
going on down thru the clouds to the skies below.  All of those
Hurricanes and tornados, Oh Sandee, some of those humans are oh so sad.
Some of those humans could possibly be those of a fur-kid that is up
there with you.  Tornados and hurricanes are something like if someone
comes to one's cage and just turns it upside down, then shakes it like a
bizzy ball.  Or, like taking one's hidey hole and just scrambling it all
over the place.  We know you ferts have all of your gathered possesions
in perfect order so I know how very upsetting that would be right Sandee?
Well that's what the tornados and hurricanes do., That's why they are so
sad.  Do you think that maybe you could get all of the ferret fairies to
pass out some magic ferret fairy healing dust to everyone.  Then everyone
could sprinkle it down below, down to the humans whose lives have been
turned upside down.  Maybe as the ferret fairy healing dust slowly floats
down to earth , picking up it's twinkling, irredescent beauty as it
reflects the moons light, maybe if that was done , just maybe, it might
bring some healing peace to all of these so unfortunate humans who have
been effected by these recent catastrophes.
Thank-You so much you all that you do.  I don't know if you really know
just how much of a comfort to us humans whose hearts have been broken by
the passing of their beloved fuzzy.
Thanks Again
Sue & Crew Boys: Sammy, Chance, Stormy
Girls: Nikki, Oscar, & Annie
Those in Your Care: Girls, Boots,Samantha, Tori Princess.
Boys, Smokey, Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 4640]