Just got to add my .2cents here.  This mailing list is one of in support
for the health and well-being and love of ferrets.  Eleanor, please dont
feel bad you posted about the ferret pelt.  This isnt a list of "do
whatever you want to to your ferret".  We have absolutely every right to
be upset at that poor dead ferret (pelt) as an ebay item!  Just as that
person has a 'right' to put it up on ebay, we have just as much every
right to voice our displeasure at their ebay items.
I do have to say, this really urks me when people make comments like
>a ferret is an animal and can be used as we choose.
No.  Wrong.  People cannot by law do 'whatever' they want to with
animals.  There are laws (although abviously not always obeyed) about
the humane treatment of animals.  Not saying for sure that this ferret
was abused, but comments like the above are wrong and insensitive.
Eleanor, I believe you came to the right list to post your warning about
the pelt.  By slamming Eleanor for bringing to our attention something
that probably effected many of us as ferret lovers, well, that's just
infringing on HER rights to voice her opinion, cares and concerns.
As always for the love of ferrets,
[Posted in FML issue 4639]