This is not a flame, because I `have to` agree with Gordon & Byte-me`s
post on the ferret pelt, because of the laws.  (Of which there are two
more such items , one a wrap of two pelts), as Eleanor pointed out still
on ebay!  I`ve "Ask seller a question" for each, and questioned how they
acquired these pelts?  They couldn`t have been hunted or trapped, they`re
domestic!  I also mentioned that maybe the aspca`s in each of their
states would be interested in an answer as well!!
Gordon, please do not say things like"....the Ferret is an animal,
and can be used as we choose"!!  Bible generalities?, or brain
freeze(momentary), that is too generic a statement to be suggested!
After all, `the way we treat animals here on Earth, is how we shall be
treated one day`!!  I know you won`t take that personal, as I have read
your posts many times, and either came away smiling, or more informed!
Sometimes both!!  Just an interesting site, ``,
click on `ferrets`.  Site has many other interesting articles relating
john r. & fuzztown....
[Posted in FML issue 4639]