I know that mankind has made use of fur forever.  I know that ferrets are
part mink, but Geezus H... why are you apologizing for your protest over
a ferret pelt?  You completely lost me on that one.
Maybe you could expound on what changed your mind about this.  I was
certainly with you about your initial complaint.  I think that it's
abhorrent to use a ferret for it's fur.  I basically feel that way about
all fur.  I know that it's legal.  I don't throw paint on people or
confront them in public by calling them murderers (even though that's
how I might feel).  I abide by the law and the legal rights of others,
even if I think they've got a screw loose.
My point is that even though you don't have a right to stop someone from
doing something that's legal, you still have a right to think that it's
wrong.  I don't know how you could keep ferrets as pets yet still agree
in any form that using them as a pelt is OK.  You have seemingly come
across something that has changed your mind about this and I'm curious
as to what that might be.  Maybe I'm confused about what your meant.
Personally, I get alot more use out of my ferrets as companions than I
would get out of making a scarf out of them.  I'm a guy, but I don't
understand the caveman appeal of making a hat out of some creature's
skin.  A life means more than a hat to me.  Enough people and animals
have died for my benefit.  I don't need to unnecessarily add to that
Albuquerque, NM
"Love is not an emotion.  Love is an action.  The action causes the
emotion.  We all want to take the shortcut."
[Posted in FML issue 4639]