>keep in mind the following.  1/ raw foods can transmit bacteria ( do you
>eat raw meat ?),...
Actually, I do!  It's called "fillet amiricain" (ironic isn't it? ;-))
in Belgium and "steak tartare" in France.  It's raw beef with some egg
yolk (yup, you guessed it, also raw), mayonnaise and a few other
ingredients ... very common dish, usually served with fries ... very
delicious and very healthy.
>2/ many "raw " meats will make your ferrets STINK...sorry but, there is
>a fine balance between having a pet that eats "pet food" and a stinky
>animal that eats raw foods..
Uuhh, I've been feeding my *pet* ferrets raw meat for several years now,
and I can asure you they do *not* stink any more than when they were fed
>** Please post proof or any further information on this "fact"!
Yes, please do!  I would love to see it.
[Posted in FML issue 4639]