Hi all, I had to submit my story for the challenge.  My wife and I run a
very small rescue out of our bedroom.  Our bedroom is over the garage so
it is 24 ft x 24 ft and there is a 15 ft hall that connects it to the
rest of the house.  Normally the little fuzzies are only allowed out when
the door at the end of the hall is closed, so they never go into the rest
of the house.  our house is a split level so when you come in the front
door you are at a stair landing that goes down to the lower level and
back door or up to the living room.  The living room has a simple rail
the separates it from the stairs.  One day my wife came home at lunch
time and got a little nervous when she heard some noise coming from the
kitchen.  She called out thinking I had come home for lunch and started
up the stairs.  When she set foot on the second step Whirligig, AKA
Whirliknievel, jumped from the living room floor down to her shoulder.
Needless to say my wife about jumped out of her skin before she realized
that the little finks had gotten out of their cage and were exploring the
rest of the house.
Ken & Nancy and the fuzzyconnection gang
bug,Koda,Prince,Princess, and Anne
[Posted in FML issue 4639]