Has anyone else noticed that anonymous posters, not from California,
don't have anything nice to say?  Accuse everyone else of not having
nice things to say?
Does anyone else wish that ONLY folks from ferret free zones be allowed
to post anonymously?  That folks who want to express and have the right
to express such strong opinions, have the fortitude and courage to attach
their names to their beliefs?
I truly believe this would stop a LOT of the nastiness on the fml.
Eleanor, Please do not stop alerting us to such things on ebay.  Do not
let one person silence you.  You have every right to your voice and the
freedom to express your opinion.  Don't let just one person take it from
Karen and the Scruff You Gang
[Moderator's note: There are many reasons to post anonymously and they
are decided upon on a post-by-post basis.  I do try to hold anonymous
posts to a higher standard though.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4639]