David Berlowitz, operator of the Cherokee Ferret Rescue and Shelter
located in Omaha, Nebraska was cited for 23 counts of animal cruelty on
Thursday, August 26, 2004.  In his home were 21 ferrets, six cats, five
dogs, two cockatiels, a green iguana and a guinea pig.  The animals were
confiscated by the Nebraska Humane Society.  The ferrets (and other
animals) are now under the care of the HS and are in the process of
being adopted out.  The ferrets that have medical issues were placed
with a vet tech and they will be getting the medical care they need.
David also had a warrant out for his arrest in April due to failure to
appear in court for 3 additional cruelty/neglect charges he received in
February 2004.  He was given a month to have 3 ferrets treated by a vet,
but failed to do so.  The ferrets were then seized after that month time
period.  One had to be euthanized.
His arraignment for those initial 3 charges, and the warrant for his
failure to appear was scheduled for Friday morning September 17th at the
Omaha Courthouse at 9am.
The arraignment for the most recent charges (23 counts of animal cruelty)
will be on October 5, 2004.  He can face up to a $500 fine and 6 months
in jail for each count or possibly probation.  What his punishment is all
depends on the judge hearing his case.  He may just get off with a small
fine and a slap on the wrist.  We're hoping they punish him to the
fullest extent of the law.
The ferrets in Dave's care never received any medical care... he claimed
he was not able to afford a bottle of Pedialyte.  On another surprise
visit to this shelter, a ferret lay dying in her cage while Dave sat
idly by on his computer only a few feet away.  After witnesses saw this,
immediate medical attention was given to this ferret, but it was too
late; the ferret died only a day later.
Dave lied to many people about the care his ferrets received.  Just an
example.  This is Chase...Chase was one of the shelter kids...this is
what she looked like back in December of 2003
We were told she was NOT a surgical candidate...David claims she was seen
by two ferret knowledgeable vets and they both said she could not have
surgery.  Chase and her 2 cagemates were adopted (now living here in NY),
and she had her surgery in February.  Her surgery was done by a ferret
vet in Omaha NE.  The very same vet that Dave had claimed said she was
not a surgical candidate.  As a matter of fact, this vet had never seen
this ferret before.  Chase came though with flying colors.  She regrew
just about all of her fur within 3 weeks, and is currently doing well.
Here she is now:
This man does not need to get his hands on any more ferrets (or any
animal for that matter).  Unfortunately, it is our understanding that
this shelter cannot be shut down due to the laws in his area only
covering dog and cat shelters, not ferret shelters.  He can and will
try to get more ferrets/animals.  The only thing we can do now is cut
off his *sources*.
The humane societies in NE have been given a heads up on David Berlowitz.
If you live in or near the NE area, please spread the word to vets, pet
stores, boarding and grooming facilities, shelters, etc.  If you are a
webmaster and have a ferret shelter listing on your web site, please
remove his name so he can no longer be contacted about surrenders.  If
you spot any websites on the net containing his contact info, please
e-mail the webmaster and ask that he be removed (politely *g*).  I'm
fairly certain Dave is on the FML, so if he contacts anyone about a
ferret in the area they are trying to place through the list, please do
NOT surrender your ferret to him.  You could only be giving that ferret
a death sentence.
Please help us get the word out about Dave.  Here are 2 links with more
information on his arrest:
[Moderator's note: The above link might no longer be there, though
Nancy sent me the contents of it.  BIG]
He is also listed on the pet abuse website:
If you are in need of further info please contact myself or my
co-director, Kris ([log in to unmask])
Thank you
Nancy Propper
Ferrets Across America
[Posted in FML issue 4639]