Vaccine damage goes well beyond a reaction.  I am so tired of the
downplaying of vaccine reactions as being treatable and not that big of a
deal (okay they are acknowledged as a big deal but not after the reaction
is over).  You do not know what damage has been done.  Damage can be done
without signs of a reaction.  Setting off a chain so to speak.  Let's
stop overlooking that point.  It should not be fear of reaction that
makes someone rethink their choices, but overall health damage that one
should consider.  Most people, including vets, will not even consider
the possibiity that a vaccine given 3 months before could have played a
part in a disease that their ferret is now dealing with.  Ferrets are
not dogs.  No, they aren't.  But no where have I ever found evidence
that a ferrets immune system is so different from dogs or people's for
that matter in how it works.  Vets I have asked specifically if their is
something about a ferret that makes them so different in that aspect have
said no, nothing they know of.  So while a study done with dogs can not
be conclusive 100% in relations to ferrets, it does have some solid
validity to it.
Overvaccinating can actually weaken the immune system instead of
strengthening it.  One cannot conclude that in the case of the ferrets
that had been vaccinated in previous years and then stopped, that then
contracted distemper and lived but suffered damage from it that if they
had been yearly vaccinated they would of been fine.  The other side to
consider is that the overvaccinating weakened the immune system to the
point that it could not ward off the disease 100%.  The AVMA has
acknowledged that overvaccinating may in fact make an animal more
suceptible to the very disease it is supposed to protect.  You could
actually be doing more harm than good.  These are all things to consider
and weigh in making a decision.
I suppose I am one of the "ignorant" ones who shows the other side of the
vaccine issue.  This is in response to Sukies post -
>I hope that the person who frightened her was merely ignorant because
>she/he was partly responsible for terrible results of handicaps of those
>with outdated vaccines and a horrifying, long and painful death for
>those who never received their vaccinations.
Believe me, there are a lot of pets out there that have had there quality
of life diminished because of vets or others jamming the "vaccines will
not harm" down your throat so you comply.  I don't see them feeling
responsible.  Did my vet take responsibilty when he said I should update
my ferret's vaccines even though he had just had surgery and was still
dealing with an enlarged prostate?  I questioned if that would be wise
(and the vaccine inserts say to not vaccinate an unhealthy animal).  My
ferret went downhill after that and I lost him.  This is a very respected
ferret vet.  But you won't find him feeling responsible.  And as I
commented above, you can not validate that it was the lack of not
vaccinating within the past year as the cause in that other case.  It
is just easy to put the blame there.
[Posted in FML issue 4638]