The Oktober Ferretfest
The Concerned Ferrets Owners third, annual OktoberFerret Fest will be
held on Saturday,October 16th, from 9:00-4:30 at the Central Unitarian
Church, 156 Forest Avenue, in Paramus, N.J.
Specialty rings, fun events, medical/health clinic: distemper, rabies
shots will be available.
$3.00 admission fee, $1.00: children under 12.
There will be all sorts of wonderful, fun events being held throughout
the day: a tricky tray, 50/50, vendors offering lots of beautiful items-
many of the hand-crafted, chair massages will be available and of course-
lots of fun contests for the ferrets, including: bag races, bowling pin
races, best costume, best decorated cage, best matched mitts, most
prominent mask.  Be a part of a very fun day!  Bring the ferrets!
**(note- the date published in Ferrets Magazine is INCORRECT!)
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail
[Posted in FML issue 4638]