It's a foggy, drippy morning on the hill today, the kind of morning
that better fits somewhere like Costa Rica and Monte Verde.  The fog is
swirling around like a blanket, enveloping everything in a thick, wet,
cold shroud, as if to know that something wrong is afoot.  September is
usually the sunny time, the warm month, the snuggly month here.  But not
Blind Lemon Jefferson Clinton Clyde, our 9 year old sable boy, has left
us for the Rainbow Bridge and his long awaited reunion with his dear
Casio.  Can you see him, yet, dear?  Has Abba started her crazy dance
across the bridge to bring him to you?  With Blizzard as an escort?  Is
BonBon and Bodie chortling in the background with Buttons as they, too
untie speical sacks of bandits and other treats?  And Bubba is bounding
up through the tall summer grass...eager to see this new "young one" that
he has never seen before...after all...Bubba crossed the bridge before
Clyde was born and is the regal master there now
The final years with Lupron brought Clyde a steady time, a time where he
could enjoy the antics of the new young ones here...Wingnut and Giggabyte
and Bonnnie (no relation and a seperate adoptee, but fitting for him in
the end),for it was she who really helped him to rebound after the loss
of Casio, with whom he was inseperable from for her 7 years on this side
of the bridge.  Bonnie refused to let Clyde sink into a funk...She
taunted, she feigned, she lunged, she tortured, she licked, she healed!
Thank you,litle girl!
Tho he lost his eyesight and hearing several years ago, and his hind
limbs were failing from "pred" body he had the biggest heart of any of
our tribe and immediately adopted our newest oldster rescue...Pal, a
starving, flea ridden runaway that has since come back to almost 4 pounds
and a bright shiny dark coat!  If you wanted to find Pal, just look for
Clyde in his snuggle sack and most likely the two of them would be curled
up together.  Last week, I was lucky enough to get video of the two of
them sleeping together...peas in a pod...two old guys twitching in dreams
of youth.
Sleep in dreams of youth dear Clyde, sweet little boy.
Summer turns
 A leaf folds, falls
   Soon clean white will cover all.
Putorius, Cyndi, Giggabyte, Wingnut (aka Pinenut, Coconut, Nuticus),
Bonnie, Pal, Bounder, Brando (aka Big Boy), Bopper and the torture katz.
[Posted in FML issue 4623]