Editor Mr. Bones
Cub Reporter Andy
September, 2004
Wooo weeeeee Naples sure does smell good!  You know Naples; where I live?
Naples New York.  Anyway mum says it is the grapes I is smelling cuz it
is grape season in Naples New York.  Mum says the grapes are done when
they smell like that.  I tolds mum to get me some of them grapes to eat
but mum says I can't have grapes..  Well that is just stinky almost as
stinky as that Brave Heart Kid; but not quite!  Why can't I have grapes,
if they smell that good then I should be able to have some grapes!  Will
somebody out there sneak me in some grapes please!  I should be able to
have some grapes just because I do this news letter!  WITHOUT HELP!!!!
Mum and Mr. Bones told me I would have help do'en this news letter and
look at the past few months I did it all by myself, ... ALL BY MYSELF!!
Kaleigh and Peter where are you?  I wants you to come get me.  Okay I
guess I better get to doing the news.
Kathy D.  camed to help mum get some cans and bottles done, they got
1,200.00 cleaned up.  Donna came in with the truck, Sis Suzanne came in
with her van, mum loaded her van and they took 3,791 cans and bottles
back.  That is a lot of cans and bottles!  Mum still has lots and lots to
get done so if you wants to come help all you needs to do is show up and
mum will put you to work!  Mum says she is almost glad that summer is
over so there will be no more cans to get until the golf coarse opens
again next year.
Then on August 9, mum got a call from the Ontario County Sheriff's
department, from a real policeman.  He said he took a bad man to jail and
that bad man had a ferret could mum come get the ferret.  So mum said she
could do that.  Mum had to go to the sheriff's station, then to the jail;
I was scared I thought mum might get stuck in that jail but mum didn't.
Mum and the sheriff then went to another place called Victor to pick up
the ferret.  The ferret turned out to be a 4 month old little boy; mum
says he's a cutie.  Mum thinks all ferrets are cuties!  So what is so
special about him?  Mum had to keep him for 10 days, and then if the bad
man did not come to get him mum could adopt him out.  So mum named him
Bradley.  After 10 days Bradley went to live with Mr. Tom and Miss
Stephanie so he could be friends with Little Ed.  He was a funny little
You know that SOS raffle?  Well guess who woned it.  Miss Eileen, the mom
of Biscuit and Gravy that camed from here.  Genny lives with them too but
she did not come from here.  Congratulations Miss Eileen!
Mum got a message from Miss Sue that Bianca Buda died; I gets so sad when
they go to Rainbow Bridge.  I is sorry Miss Sue that your little Bianca
is all gone.  I will come live with you if you want.  Oh wait, mum says
I can't cause you is too far away.
Our Sonya died on 9-6-04.  Nyxa crashed the same day, mum says we have
so many old and sick kids that it is going to be almost a daily thing to
have one crisis after another.  Mum got Nyxa all fixed up, but Aunt Mary
said Sonya was full of tumors so there was no fixing her, that is why
she died.  Then Mum met up with Aunt Mary to do some catching up, they
go have food and mum won't let me have any of that either..  I is being
abused and neglected!  Somebody come rescue me!!!!  Mum took Colby,
Sampson, and Venus for Aunt Mary to check over, Aunt Mary took Colby and
Sampson back with her to see our favorite Doc.  Aunt Mary said she could
feel something in both of them.  Venus has lymphoma, so we brought her
back home to keep her comfortable for as long as she has left.  Mum
talked to our favorite Doc; you know on that thing that hangs on the wall
that mum uses, she calls it a telephone, I call it a nuisance!  ... Colby
is going on Lupron and fluidamide, he has adrenal disease.  We know it is
on the right side because he had the left done 3 yrs ago.  Our favorite
Doc said he is too old and frail to get an operation, he is 8 yrs old,
and so he put him on that hurt stick Lupron.  Sampson the verdict is
still out, our favorite Doc says he is not sure what he is feeling and
seeing in him, it is something but not in his tummy or intestine so he is
going to cut his belly to see what is in there.  Sampson will be coming
home with strings in his belly.  Can someone tell me if that hurts?
Kaleigh and Peter our ambilence without lights and sirens was away so Mr.
Tom and Miss Stephanie has been here to help mum and to transport fur
kids to Aunt Mary and our favorite Doc.
Mum is back to work driving that big yellow thing she calls a school bus,
she is still taking care of old lady Kay 2 times a day 7 days a week.
And now mum has a new old lady job, she takes her for rides in her car
cause she can't see real good so mum does her driving for her.  Mum only
does the new old lady once in a while.  Mum says she needs to do all
these things because we need food, and medical attention and that takes
We has a baby sitter for us when mum does the symposium in the spring.
Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom said they would watch us while mum was working
at the symposium.  We will try to be real good for you.
Mr. Rooh camed over and spent a long long time putting up a ceiling fan
in our play room right over our play pen, now we get the cold air from
the cold air machine.  Thank you Mr. Rooh!  We love our new fan.  Mum has
had lots of things come in; like paper towels, napkins, some carpet for
our cages, food.  Miss Donna still comes to make our play yard and mums
yard pretty.  Miss Jill helped mum load the van and work at the picnic.
Then when it was time to go home mum had lots of help packing and loading
back up.  Oh!  Oh!  Yeah Miss Nichole from Corning Mr. Mike (I think) was
at the picnic and they brought us blankies.  Thanks we love blankies in
our sleep boxes!  Mr. Tom made mum sleep boxes for the store because the
ones she was buying from the big place that makes them were all broked
and awful looking when mum got them in the delivery box.  Mum says she
will not sell junk and they was JUNK!!!  So Mr. Tom said he would make
them so mum could buy them for the store so your kids could have nice
good sleep boxes just like mine!  We love our sleep boxes so I know your
fur kids will too.  Well mum says I can not make the news letter bigger
than 3 pages so I guess I had better stop.  I will tell you more next
month.  Just bemember if you can get me grapes, or come rescue me I will
give you lots of wet nose kisses
Cub Reporter Andy
P.S. You Can Get The Sleep Boxes Here
Bradley's Sleep Box Small Item #4324571492
Bradley's Sleep Box Large Item #4324572119
Shelter e-Bay Store
Shelter Website And Online Store There Are New Items In The Store Also
Shelter e-mail
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International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4636]