Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]> wrote
>... Please if you can, send (Chere) $1 via PayPal.  Give up your morning
>Starbucks and send it to her.
This is a two-edged sword b/c I work for Starbucks, at their corporate
headquarters in Seattle, and my paycheck depends on those "morning
Starbucks" thank you but even I have a heart!  LOL!!!!
This might be a WIN-WIN situation after all b/c when I sent Save Our
Shelters my PayPal donation to pass along to Chere, I found out that
Starbucks has a gift matching program so Chere will be getting an
ADDITIONAL $75 soon as well.
So I gues it's "do what ya' gotta do" (drink coffee or donate or
preferably BOTH) but do SOMETHING!  :-) And make sure you check at
your place of employment for gift matching programs like the one
Starbucks has!
Thank you very much!
Jennifer, Sasha & Snowy
[Posted in FML issue 4636]