I would like to invite everyone in the Chicagoland area to the Greater
Chicago Ferret Association (GCFA) annual walk-a-thon and picnic.  Please
take a walk on the not-so-wild side to benefit the GCFA in our "Footwork
for Ferrets".  The walk-a-thon will take place Saturday, September 18th,
2004, rain or shine.  Check in time to turn in your pledge sheets is at
10:00 a.m.  We usually get underway around 10:30 a.m.  The 5K walk
follows a very nice trail through the woods, shaded by nature s canopy.
The location is in Bemis Woods, grove #1, which is in Western Springs,
IL.  You can access the grove from Wolf Road, which is north of the
intersection of Ogden Ave.  and Wolf Road.  Look for the GCFA PICNIC
signs.  You can print out a sponsor/pledge sheet from our website
www.GCFA.com.  Even if you only have one pledge on the sheet or just want
to walk yourself, please come and join us.  You can also pledge someone
who is already walking, if you cannot attend.  This year we will be
awarding first, second and third place prizes for the most money brought
in from the pledge forms.  All the ferrets at the shelter will be very
happy for your support.
Please plan on attending the picnic, even if you can t participate in
"Footwork for Ferrets".  The picnic will begin right around 12:00 noon
and usually lasts until we are too full of food or we have had enough fun
and exercise for the day, which is usually 4:00pm.  Please feel free to
come at anytime during the day.  The GCFA will supply roasted/buttered
corn, hot dogs and juicy watermelon.  If you do not like hot dogs, please
bring a grilling item of your own choosing.  There will be a large grill
provided by GCFA and Norm Stilson the shelter director is happy to play
"cook of the day", or you can cook your own grilling items.  If you can
supply a dish to be passed around, that would be very welcome, but not
necessary.  We have a few games planned, like "Pin the Tail on the
Ferret" and a ferret ring toss game.  No live ferrets will be used in
the games.  Just thought I would mention that, so we don t get flamed.
If you love to talk about your fuzzie kids, please come and share your
stories and have fun!!  For more information about this please visit our
website, www.GCFA.com
Hope to see you there.
[Posted in FML issue 4635]