Please don't go away to just be a Mommy!  You are such a comfort to those
of us who have lost a loved fuzzy!
My little Pixie (da Pooter-Fert) used to write on the FML, and for a
little while wrote back and forth with Da Dodge.  We would sometimes
get not-so-nice emails saying that it was annoying and we shouldn't
be wasting the space, but we also got a lot saying that they loved
"hearing" things from the ferret's point of view.
I love hearing your greetings in ferret-speak, and it was such a comfort,
especially when we unexpectedly lost Pixie a little while ago under
anesthesia.  I loved that there was someone to greet her who "spoke" her
So please don't go away, just ignore those annoying people who can't let
us have our fun!! ;)
Bright Blessings,
with Kodi, Twizzler, and Tanner
missing Cinnamon, Coke, Pixie, Chitterbox, and Yozum
[Posted in FML issue 4634]