Ela wrote:
>I've known Chere for years and she has been on the FML for many years,
>and I can't think of a more worthy shelter.  Chere is also not the type
>to ask for help lightly; the fact that she is asking now means that she
>REALLY needs your help!  :-<
Usually Chere is the one PROVIDING help.  Despite them having to budget
like most of the rest of us, she and her family have normally flown
supplies into areas in need and ferrets out to places which can take them
during disasters.  She's worked closely with groups which rescue animal
after horrors like floods, storms, forest fires, and more, and has been
publicly praised for her work by those other groups which have even said
that the ferret rescue groups were among the best organized -- and that
is due to the work of Chere and her family and friends!
She almost never asks for funds; instead she has one of the first
shelters which make things to help keep ends meeting.  We've given one
of her ferret treetop angels to our vet, actually, and have seen the FML
moderator, Bill Gruber wear another one as a hat.
Here's an idea!  Does anyone have a copy of a photo with Bill wearing
that ferret angel hat?  If so, maybe the photo could be e-mailed to
anyone who sends a certain sum or requested goods of a similar value
to Chere?  How does that sound?
Chere, the SOS -- which is tax deductible and send monies to the treating
vets; see
http://www.supportourshelters.org    --
and anyone else designated by Chere to pass along moneys or supplies
can let everyone know who has contributed and then the photos of BIG
can be emailed!
Here is info from the SOS page of Chere's shelter's needs BEFORE the
hurricane damaged the shelter:
  Chere McCoy,
   [log in to unmask]
  Ferret Friends of
     Indian River County
  8775 20th Street, Lot 614
  Vero Beach, FL 32966
Dr. William Herman, DVM
Pet Medical Center
1795 10th Avenue
Vero Beach, FL  32960
Average # of ferrets:  17
Adoptable ferrets:  14
Hospice ferrets:  3
Unpaid Vet bills:  $3,980
SOS addy (or paypal at their site for donations):
Support Our Shelters
c/o Judith White
100 Walsh Road
Lansdowne PA  19050
[Posted in FML issue 4634]