>One more question for you for tonight-Does anyone have instructions on
>doing crochet eggs?  I've been looking at my library, and online for
>patterns, but I can't find any.  Does anyone know any links or any
>books that I might be able to locate that would contain this info?  I'd
>really appreciate it.
I believe this is what you are looking for.
MC, The Rude One
With Bancho, Aretemus, Squeeks, Abraham, and Rudy.  In spirit: Bubba,
Billy-Bob, Garret, Snorkle, and Tuzigoot.
Size "I" hook
small amounts of various colors yarn
fiber-fil or cotton for stuffing
ch 2
Rnd1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
Rnd2: (2sc in ea sc) around: 12 sc
Rnd3: (2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next) around: 18 sc
Rnd4-7: sc around
Rnd8: (4 sc, dec1) around: 15 sc
Rnd9: (3 sc, dec1) around: 12 sc
Rnd10: sc around
Rnd11: (2 sc, dec 1) around 9 sc
Rnd12: dbdec around, finish off
Special Notes:
dbdec = double decrease = draw up a loop in ea of next 3 st, yo, draw
through all 4 loops.
[Posted in FML issue 4634]