Ok, So I have what is going to seem like a really off the wall question,
but, I was pondering this yesterday while I was staring at my Charlie
who is just so darn cute.  Anyway, I noticed that he's very poofy from
starting to get in his winter coat.  I mean he wasn't this poofy last
year, his slim and trim head has gone well "poof".  It looks like he's
got a little fro going on, but it's all the way around his head and his
body.  No hammie head for him.  Anyway, so I was wondering about whether
our winter was going to be worst than last year, and then that got me
to thinking about whether or not our furkids get winter coats that are
thicker some years compared to others, and if this has anything to do
with what the winter weather will be like.  I mean, it kind of does and
doesn't make sense.  Except that my kids aren't outside too too much, I
mean, they were early in the summer late spring in their playpen on the
deck, and then on cool nights or early mornings lately when we take the
dog out, we rotate who goes out for a walk with us (ok, more like
shoulder sitting, we only walk on a leash when we feel like it, duh).
So, I didn't know if that's what is doing this, or if it's possible that
something inherent in them allows them to beef up their coat because
their body can sense this kind of thing.  I know it's a wierd question, I
just was wondering if anyone else had had this same question/situation
and knew anymore about it.
[Posted in FML issue 4634]