Hi dis is SaraFerret who has jus returned from de northland --de home of
de ermines and all de cold mustelids.  Me and mys kids came backs because
we jes wants to visits some family members who has been coming up to de
Rainbow Bridge and also because I cant manage all des wild kits by myself
even doe I has lots of help from Isabel (She was de little girl furry dat
was tossed out de window of a car--at present I heard from de Boss dat
unless dey changes dere ways dey may be destiny to a very hots place, but
as de Boss says some peoples do mends dere ways--we all needs to tink
positive toughts dat dose creatures will.  I hates to calls dem humans.
Isabel and I and even all de help from de ermines mothers who were jus
lifesavers to us who didnt have any kits ares jus worn to a frazzle.
Any ways I wants to know if anyone here wants me to come back at Sandee
aand Mr Muldoon's assistant at de Rainbow Bridge.  I lefts at first
because Mommy and Is felts dat some peoples here didnt want us.  Dat we
were not quite what dey wanted in a gatekeepers.  Hey De Boss chose us
we sure didnt volunteers.  Well De Boss really wants me backs to kind of
helps out and helps de fmlers who feel so bads about dere mustelids
passing on.  So Mommy says its up to de FMLers--if dey wants Mommy and
mes SaraFerret to return she will relay my messages from me to youse
folks.  Most of de FMLers are jes super--some leaves a lots to be
desires, but hey dere is always room for improvements.  Its really
importants for everyones to be nice to everyone else.  We all have our
junk we carries around and some wants to put their junks on someones else
wich is not nice.  Most of us have enough junk witout someone giving us
So if you wants me backs let Mommy know thru fml or here--if ya dont want
us back me and my kits who are almost grown will just retire to being
So dis is kinda of whats Mommy calls a survey or a polls
With love from de Bridge
SaraFerret and Mommy
PS I dont wants anyone to tink dat I am twying to take anyone elses job
away--jes helps out
[Posted in FML issue 4632]