tues night i had to rush my ferret to the emergency vet.  blood tests
found very low blood sugar.  they diagnosed hypoglycemia.  no xrays were
done to actually see if there were tumors on the pancreas.  he is 6 1/2
years old and both vets he saw feel surgery is not an option.  he has
been started on prednisone twice a day.  he will go back to see our
normal vet next week (who is currently away at a conference) for a follow
up blood test and check up.  i would love to hear advice/tips from those
owners who currently have or have had ferrets with the same problem.  my
biggest question is how did you administer the pred?  i have it in pill
form.  while philbert has been in my family since he was a kit he hasn't
been under my care the entire time.  just in the last 5 yrs.  i have
tried getting him to eat baby food in the past with no luck.  i know that
sugary foods/treats are out.  so i am assuming this includes ferrettone,
ferretvite, nutri-cal.  i know that he loves nutri-cal and was thinking
that maybe a teeny tiny bit with a crushed pill might get the med in him.
the vet filling in for my normal one crushed the pill, mixed with sugar
water and adminitered with syringe. (?????)  i am not sure about the
sugar part but i have no problems crushing and mixing with water.  though
past experience with getting him to take a liquid with a syringe has not
been good.  i usually end up wearing half of it.  but he does love water
fresh from the faucet.
anyway, you can email me at [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
thanks so much in advance for all the advice.
[Posted in FML issue 4631]