It has taken me a few days to get to this point and it is with a heavy
heart that I have watched a little fuzzy friend pass over the bridge.
My little sweet kissy Buddy boy has gotten tired and is now running and
jumping and war dancing with joy and a full coat of fur with his fuzzy
friends.  Buddy who was called fat boy (sorry Nelda, I couldn t bring my
self to call him that for some reason) came to me in a group of three, a
girl and 2 boys.  His family had to give him up because the boy who loves
him had heart surgery and had allergies very bad.  I know that Nathan
loved his fuzzies and his Mom and Dad had to do what was best for Nathan
s health.  Buddy, Bandit and Farah were very loved by their family and
it was a hard decision for them to make.  When they came to me within a
couple of weeks, Bandit got very depressed and thought he didn t want
to be here anymore.  After a couple of weeks of steady chicken gravy
feedings and meds, (I almost lost him) and lots of lovin, He is now a
happy bouncy little boy full of spirit and finally gaining some weight
Buddy had been diagnosed as an inoperable double adrenal and was on
lupron shots every six weeks.  I wanted to make his time left here as
comfortable as I could.  He discovered what Ferretone is and tasty treats
and even decided he liked raisins.  He was doing really well with most of
my other ferrets and loved to chase my cat.  He dooked constantly when he
was out and running about and it sounded like he was chuckling most of
the time.  He would give me lots n lots of sweet kisses and every once in
a while when he was being a snot, he would give me a little nip at the
end of those kisses as just a what for.  He had his first adventure in a
plastic tube, because his hiney was so big he was afraid to go in the
smaller tubes for fear he would get stuck I guess.  Well, I have some
bigger tubes and he just loved them, chasing the others through and
waiting in the end of the tubes to jump attack them when they turned
around and realized he wasn t following them anymore.
I held him in my arms and he slept with me on my chest in a hammie
specially made by Millie Sanders that he just loved all night Friday and
by Saturday morning with feedings every 2 hours most of the night he
would no longer take anything from me.  Not even water or pedialite.
I knew he was ready to go, that he was tired and wanted to feel better
by the look in his eyes.  When he decided that it was time to go he
struggled to get his head out of the hammie enough to see me...cried a
little... took a few deep breaths and he was gone... I kissed him and
and held him close and looked him in the eyes and told him how much we
loved him and would miss him, but that I understood.
I wish I could have taped the ceremony we had for him, I have several
young neighbor children that love to come to my house and play with the
ferts.  I thought it only fair that they should have the opportunity to
tell him goodbye, so my daughters went and gathered the ones that were
home with their parents permission.  We all signed his blankie and I cut
little pieces off the edge for them to take home.  We put him in his
little box and the boys all helped dig the hole.  My Liz played taps on
her flute and I read the story of the rainbow bridge to them.  We all
took a handful of dirt and placed it on his box and every one of them
helped cover him up.  It touched my heart so to see these children so
tender themselves being so caring and thoughtful (they range in age from
7 to about 11 I think).  It was really nice and then we all went indoors
and did a lot of fuzzy smooching.
Goodbye my little Buddy boy, Mommie, Sarah, Lizzy and your bubba and
sissy love you and miss you so very much.  He is at peace and resting
under the big tree in the corner of the back yard next to Yuri.
Suzanne, Sarah & Lizzy
Sadie (0.0), Cebo (o.o) Razz-Mimi-Taz (*.*) Mitzi  (-.-)Rascal (^.^)
Honey ('.') Teddy (<.>) Bear ((.() savage Sable (O.O) , Bandit (>.<)
Miss Farrah (`.') and Cinnamon Boy (O.~)
missing my little Sparkles (-.o) my old man (~.~)Yuri,and Buddy ([].[])
Stop by and visit the Ranch for a spell
[Posted in FML issue 4631]