In my admittedly limited experiance, yellow is a sign of increased oil
production.  In other words, he has oily hair.  Others will most likely
have more specific info to add.  Hope this helps.
As to the young person getting a new ferret.  Congratulations on your new
baby.  Out of curiosity, how do you intend to care for it?  I know it's
been a few years (like 30) since I got an allowance, but as I remember it
wasn't very much.  Do you have someone (like parents) who are willing to
supply the needed cash for vacines and medical care?  How about the daily
needs, like food and litter.  These are not cheap and need constant
replacement.  I am by no means trying to discourage you, or anyone, from
adopting a ferret.  There are always more ferrets needing homes, than
homes available for ferrets.  I just wondered if you had taken time to
think this through completly.  (I researched for about a year, and saved
for just as long.  I still get suprises daily from stuff I didn't know
Best of luck to both of you.
Now, I have a question of my own.  I was waiting to take my kids to the
vet because I had to wait for my paycheck.  (ran out of money over the
summer).  Of my five, one was fine, 3 were showing signs of adrenal and
one had a bad tooth.  The one with the bad tooth is off to the vet this
saturday.  The three adrenal suspects have all stopped loosing hair and
two have regrown what was lost.  The little girl with the swollen vulva
is totally back to normal.  The yellow oily fur, and my reactions to it,
is all cleared up.  So my question is this; can adrenal disease go away
on it's own?  Did they possibly have something else that mimicked (sp)
adrenal?  Or could it be seasonal shedding with the boys?  I have no idea
what's up with the little girl.  She developed symptoms (swollen vulva)
while I was on vacation.  She started clearing up shortly after we got
back.  The boys lost hair on the ends of thier tails over several months,
and have now grown it back.  (all five of the ferrets made the trip with
me to Michigan).  They were in A/C while we were on vacation, and they
don't have that here at home.  Could that have anything to do with it?
[Posted in FML issue 4630]