Read these resources:
especially the housing, health, and behavioral information
_Ferrets for Dummies_
even those of us who have had ferret for over 20 years use this book
to help avoid creating a problem ferret
After you have saved for everything you need -- according to reputable
resources like those above NOT according to a petstore in more cases --
begin your saving account for ferret health.  If you provide at least
14 hours of complete darkness in each 24 hour period; don't give starch
(cereal) and sweet treats; don't give your ferret dangerous things like
latex, rubber or rawhide;  ferret-proof carefully; use a vet provided
heartworm preventative if you are in a heartworm endemic area, provide
a lot of active playtime to keep the ferret lean and muscular enough;
and get all the kit vaccinations and kit vet exams with proper timing
you can then save about $4 a week toward ferret medical care for
standard ferret health problems.  Using the precautions mentioned that
should help for many ferrets stave off the typical health problems for
long enough that you should be able to afford future surgery and
medications in many parts of the nation for the most common health
concerns encountered.  (You may need to do extra chores for the funds
but they are essential and it never hurts to see the rewards that hard
work and savings bring.)  (Oh, and remember the annual exams and shots
later in life.)
Taurine: it is known that without enough taurine ferrets can develop eye
problems, and it is suspected that without enough taurine they might
develop heart problems.  These days you almost never hear of a taurine in
ferrets because ferret and cat foods contain it.  It was heard of more
back when some people fed dog food as an actual food rather than as a
rare treat.  For ferrets it is one of the essential amino acids because
their own bodies can not create it so they must get it from diet.  For
those who do not know, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
[Posted in FML issue 4630]