Okay, here's my two cents (or more).
[1. There was no number 1.  These numbers seem to refer to the
corresponding numbers from yesterday's post by Alicia.  BIG]
2. This is all well and good, but where else will the pet stores get
their ferrets and bunnies.  I work at a pet store type place (small..
non chain)..  and we take great care of our animals, as good as we can
and it's the best care i've seen a petstore give animals.  But we still
need to sell animals.  Also, it is illegal in my state and I'm sure
others to sell an unaltered ferret (pretty sure that's the law) through
a petstore anyway, breeders are another issue i'm sure.  So, we would
have to get fixed ferrets somewhere else.  We can't rely on surrendered
ferrets and we can't get ferrets from shelters (because we're selling
them and a shelter isn't going to give them to us to sell, we do try to
make sure they get nice homes and we educate the person as best we can
before they buy the ferret, but we can't do as an extensive check as a
shelter would want) and no breeder would sell us a fixed ferret as young
as was healthy for a reasonable price that we could then resell.  Prices
would sky rocket.  Also, many people don't want a 6 or 7 month old
ferret..  many want the kits, which is understandable.  More time to
train and bond etc. etc.  But if we cant sell un ltered ferrets, we
don't have much choice of getting Marshalls or Pathvalley etc.  Ferrets.
Mind you, I'm not against the reasoining here, and i'm not supporting
the petstores who get 6 week old babies and not care for them.  I'm just
saying that a lot of pet stores don't have much choice!  Also, if the
state does allow sale of unaltered ferrets, many people would be thrown
off by the cost of getting them neutered, they're not cats and dogs and
the surgery is probably going to cost at least as much as the ferret
itself.  Which would mean the ferrets would sit at the store, and what
happens if they mature at the pet store cause they can't find a home?
they either get sick and die, or have babies... neither of which a pet
store would want.  Some pet stores do have vets that work with them, and
might be able to get them fixed, but not all.  Then everyone would be
complaining that there's sick ferrets at the stores because we're not
getting them fixed.  There's ups and downs to both sides.  Oh, and we
do have lengths of time between our orders, and we try not to get them
young.  We got path valley farm ferrets last time, they weren't underage.
Marshalls has sent young ferrets, maybe we should encourage shops to get
ferrets from Path valley and other breeders that don't send them out too
young.  But yea..
3. If unprepared animals do not make good gifts.  Example Mom wants to
get Jr. a puppy for christmas, but no one in the family has previously
wanted a puppy or has done any research on getting a puppy or the
commitment involved.  NOT a good situation for the puppy.  BUT if the
family is prepared, animals can make great pets.  Example, Jr.  has
wanted a puppy for a while now, has done research on the commiment and
prepared for getting a puppy.  Mom and dad have also done reasearch and
talked about it.  Deciding that they can get a puppy, they decide to
wait til christmas to give it to Jr.  That's a good situation.  Not all
situations where animals are given as gifts are bad.  A lot of parents,
who have kids who genuinely want a rabbit, will wait until easter to get
it for their kids.  If the family has given forethought to the animal,
it is a good situation.  This would be a good thing to include in the
letter, so that newspapers make sure to point out the difference.  Also,
shelter rescues are not for everyone.  The ASPCA for example puts people
through hell and back (so do a lot of shelters) to get an animal and then
there are strict rules about having that animal.  That's all great for
the animal but they do take it too far sometimes.  Asking about personal
life like have you been divorced, how much money do you make etc. aren't
question a shelter should be asking.  Yes asking something like can you
afford this animal is a good question.  They must specify how much the
commitment is going to cost, but prying into personal information like
that is not good.  Also, shelter animals are not always the best choice.
There's a wide variety, but not all people can handle a shelter rescue,
esp if they have special needs like most do.  I do think that shelters
are wonderful and are great options and should be checked out, but i
don't think retail should never be an option.  I think that it should be
decided by the owners to be which is the best option for them.  Shelters
should be advertised and encouraged, but retail should not be hated upon
and discourage.  There are ups and downs to both and both should be
treated as such.  Unless you are discouraging from a particular retailier
who takes horrible care of their animals.  Then, by all means discourage
purchasing from that place (but also do your best to rescue the animals
from the horrible care.  it's not fair to discourage people from buying
from a place because of it's care, and then leave the animals in it with
no chance of getting a good home.)
(continued)    [Posts combined]
4. if anyone ever interviens saying not to buy a ferret or any
animal from my store they would probably not win.  If they
talked/asked/suggested about the person checking out a shelter, or
considering a shelter rescue and discussing the ups and downs of both.
I would be all for that.  I give people the truth about our animals.  I
don't try to make a sale, and when they seem like an irrisponsible owner,
or i have a gut feeling there's something not right I do my best to
discourage them from buying, if it were up to me, i wouldn't sell to
people who i thought weren't going to be good owners, but unfortunately
i'm not the owner and it happens sometimes.  Just like it'll happen at
shelters etc. sometimes.  But, if you want to talk to someone about
looking at a rescue and not a pet shop, you're better off talking to them
about the ups and downs of both, and not saying "Don't buy this.  Get a
rescue." and really trying to discourage the sale.  This can get you in
a lot of trouble, and also damage your credibility.  Suggest and discuss
rescues.  Don't tell a person what to do and definately don't try to
dissuade a sale.  The only exception is if you see someone who definately
won't take care of their ferret, then i wouldn't even suggest they go to
a rescue.  I'd just hound them with how much care the animal needs and
try to dissuade them from getting anything at all.  But again, be tactful
in what you say, and talk about rescues, don't tell a person what to do
with their decision about their new pet.  Be friendly and helpful, not
5. By all means do so!  my only thing, is that if it is without food
or water, before you report them check to make sure that they aren't
currently being fed and their dishes are just out of the cage temporarily
for cleaning and refilling.  (though you have to look through the veil to
see if it really is a bad pet store or not.)  Also ask about ill animals,
sometimes the animal may already be being treated.  Use common sense, and
do research before reporting a petshop, you don't want to report a pet
store that does take good care of their animals.
Oh, I am ALL FOR the 8 WEEK AGE LIMIT!  Hoo-ah!  that'd be wonderful.  6
weeks old..  is too young..  I'd love to see it be a national law that
puppies, kittens, ferrets, rabbits, etc.  (tho guinea pigs are weaned and
ready to go at 3 -4 weeks old ..  so they aren't included) ... have to be
8 weeks old.  I'd love to see that for even hamsters and gerbils!  it'd
be great *dreams*...
anyway that's my two cents.  please don't yell at me.  I think my points
are valid.  If you want to discuss it rationally that's fine, maybe i'm
missing something, but please please please...no flames.
- Jules
[Posted in FML issue 4622]