> PS Someone (was it you Suki?) posted about a mini pond they bought for
> their ferrets to use inside.  I would love to get the info for this!
I believe it was Troy Lynn, and I suspect it was long enough ago to be
in the FML Archives.
There you go!
Med doses: your vet should have these figures and also the particulars of
using these drugs in ferrets, and the dosing IS also be dependent on the
type and degree of illness, and adjusted throughout as needed per regular
testing and response.  There is NOT such a thing as a usual dose, but
rather a range within which the vets work.
 From _Essentials of Ferrets, a Guide for Practitioners_
Page 29
5-30 mg/kg q 12h PO
Page 33
0.10-2.5 mg/kg q 12-24h PO
(Though we've also used it on 8 hour schedules and know other's vets
who have also done that for some hard to control situations.)
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[Posted in FML issue 4627]