It's 8:00am here in Vero Beach, Florida.  Our hotel was on the Channel 12
News - they are camped out here at the hotel along with about 15 County
Sheriff's, State Police, paramedics.  At least if we are struck will have
fast response.  My mobile home (the ferret shelter) is only about a 1/2
mile from here.  Seems the only people not at this hotel is the Weather
Checked on the ferrets this morning and Cookie reported they were doing
just fine.
Larry safely got three of our airplanes out of here and he is in South
The first band went through about 5:30am.  They expect this thing to hit
sometime in the next 24 hours.
If everyone wouldn't mind gathering up any supplies you may be willing
to donate it would really be appreciated.  Either I will post where they
can be sent later or if power is lost I will try to contact one of my
emergeny contacts and have them post here.
Thanks everyone for caring about us.  Oops here comes another band and
power is going to flicker on and off or go out for good soon.
Love to all of you and think good thoughts for all the shelters in
Chere McCoy
Ferret Friends of Indian River County Ferret Shelter
Ferret Friends Disaster Response
[Posted in FML issue 4626]