[Moderator's note: As mentioned yesterday, it's time to end the
discussion.  Tomorrow posts about this topic will not be accepted.  BIG]
Mr. Owings,
I am sorry you lost your precious baby to such a freak accident!  I am
sorry people are being cruel to you and trying to say such horrid things.
I am a very very busy person and personally dont have all the time in the
world to read the amount of flaming insults so many on this list toss
about, however I do have time to commend you for the size of your heart
and the love you have for your precious babies.  I do have time to tell
you how sorry i am you have to go through such a tramatizing loss and
that people have to make it dramatic tramatizing loss and make it even
worse for you.  I know i have had my share of accidents in my home, I am
not saying all of my babies have been hurt but I haven been working with
animals for a very long time and i run Chelles' 2nd Chance Ferret Haven
in ND and can openly admit with a clear mind and a strong heart that YES
i have lose animals due to accidents that were both avoidable and un
avoidable.  ill tell you a little bit about our girl jazzmin, she was 7
years old a beautiful cinnamon and as healthy as a new born and just as
spunky.  we are a military family and one time my husband got sent TDY
for a few months, we had just started taking down a HUGE bunk bed set in
our spare bedroom when he got sent, these boards were so big and heavy i
could not lift them to finish the job, so i closed off the bedroom so
none of the animals could enter the room, i lived in the country and no
one lived by me and sorry to say i am too busy realy for friends so i
dont have any realy i talk to people at work but thats about it so i had
no one to remove them for me so close the door i did.  unbeknowing to me
that my cat could open doors opened the back bedroom door, the ferrets
came out for play time and i heard a noise but not a loud one and could
not even make out what it was but i had the worst gut feeling so i ran to
the room and it was open, and there was my precious jazzy pinned between
two boards, she had climbed one of the boards and it has fallen against
another one pinning her, i immediately ran and pulled the board off but
it was too late she was crushed instantly and died instantly, atleast
there was no pain.  she is now cremated in a beautiful earn and on my
bookshelf, some day when i pass i will be reunited with her and the other
animals of my life who have passed and all our ashed combined.  As much
as i blamed myself i learned not to, this was quite a few years ago but
i know it WAS NOT my fault.  ACCIDENTS HAPPEN.  and i am sorry you are
getting the insults you are and be treated so poorly.  i think your a
fine daddy and i am sorry you were hurt in the process as well and i
surely hope you start to feel better both physically and emotionally.
please have a great day mr.  owings.
Chelles' 2nd Chance Ferret Haven
[Posted in FML issue 4625]