"Wolfysluv" suggested that I post this to the FML, as it further
explained my feelings and actions on the topic discussed.  I apologize
to `Jules`, if my first, short post seemed harsh, but with much dialogue
between myself and at least two very knowlegeble sources, Good Sources, I
further under stand Jules` post.  Her it is:
----- Original Message -----
From: john rich
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: Jules
Just a follow-up,- My local non-chain pet store, `JVPets`, has stopped
selling Ferrets because of this practice of some Breeders shipping kits
too young, and the surgical practices of these `mills` at too young an
age.  This was partly due to my urging, as one of the employees, maybe
with the same GOOD opinions as Jules, does my grooming for the fuzzies.
But unlike Jules, she took a stand and vehemently urged her boss to stop
their sale.  If they hadn`t, she probably would not be there today!  Nor
would I patronize them anymore!  Thanks for the chance to explain myself,
as my letter about Jules was meant to be short & sweet, i.e.- a summary
of my opinion.  Also, I am upset at losing my furrbutts at an early age,
because of other`s business practices!  I love them, and want them to
live the longest, healthiest lives that is attainable!  thank you!
john.  jdr.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: [log in to unmask]
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 5:11 PM
  Subject: Re: Jules
In a message dated 9/2/2004 2:50:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
Hi.  Her post seemed to always end with the problems pet store owners
face in buying `too young` kits.  Should she support the accepting of
under-age because of her job?  She said some very true things about this
`real world` practice, but always ended with "what are we to do"?
--Okay, I see.  I always like being careful and make sure that I"m not
missing something.  Ya know?  I worry that I might miss something in
peoples character.  Especially being just online with some of these
people, I like to especially leary.  So I asked to keep an open mind
for myself.  Thanks for answering me on this.
I didn`t intend to flame her, just possibly take a stand, as the
SHOP-OWNERS should do.  We know the problem, what`s the solution?  She
AND I surely don`t know!  But taking the attitude of that`s business
life, is no answer.  john.  jdr.
--- I see what you are saying, and you are right.  However you did come
across very harsh, you really did.  I think things like this should be
debated, especially if opinions are strong.  I see nothing wrong with
passion, but I never like seeing things start to degererate into an
argument where nothing really gets solved, ya know?  I was worried this
might turn into that.  Because this very issue does need to be debated
and discussed until solutions are found.
I like what that Alicia has done for her state.  I mean, no the ferrets
aren't sold as late as we'd all like to see them sold, but it's a great
first step.  One that possibly saves lives.  One that also doesnt' put
shop owners on the spot (because lets face it, owners are in for profit
and too many of them only think of this).  Slowly passing laws state by
state is on possibly solution.  I think it might not have been so if
things were gone over and talked over and over through the years ya know?
Thanks for writing.  See you the FML.
[Posted in FML issue 4625]