Dear FMLers,
I'm sure I read something about using lupron depot prophylactically
rather than waiting for them to become symptomatic.  I have been unable
to find the article in the archives (computer challenged AND a senior
moment).  With 2 adrenal on the 200mcgs/month of the lupron depot, and
13 not-so-young any more rescues, we are looking at a lot of potential
adenomas down the road.  If lupron does, in fact, keep the adrenal CA
from forming.... and saving these precious fuzz-butts from surgery, I
think we want to do this.  I realize that lupron on a monthly basis,
for a LONG time, will cost more than a surgery... but they're worth it.
If someone can point me and the mouse in the right direction for info,
stats,research, and dosage, we'd be eternally grateful!
Michelle, Willie, and
Xena, Bu, Ellie, Flower, Blossom, Zorro, Cuddles, 'Flake, Sunshine,
Fang,Leaper, Wolfgang, Mattie, Beauty, and Harmony!
[Posted in FML issue 4625]