To everyone who has blasted me for my two ferrets that died Snickers died
from Juvenile Lymphoma and there was nothing we could have done and for
Bubba I fell down and landed on him it was an accident I am sure other
people on the FML have had tragic accidents that have claimed their
beloved fuzzbutts are you all going to call them all unfit to own and
care for ferrets?
To the point when I was asking for donations to rescue a kit that was
literally languishing at a Petco what the F*** is wrong with wanting to
rescue a kit from a pet store for Pete Sake people where do you think
most shelter kids come from people that buy pet store kids then give them
up or lost them.
When I fell on Bubba I would welcome advice on how to defy gravity and
how to make me more agile and stabilize my equilibrium.  And Miss Parker
I hope you're wearing Asbestos shorts the flames you might receive would
burn the eye brows off the Devil himself!  In the immortal words of my
grandfather "Get the hell off my back you're to damn heavy"  There is
also a bible quote that I think applies "Let ye who is without Sin cast
the first stone" So if you've never lost a ferret to disease or an
accident shut your yaps.
[Posted in FML issue 4624]