Poor Bill, sometimes this mailing list absolutely amazes me, you take a
little well deserved nap and BLAM!  OK, Bill no more falling asleep on
the job.  All kidding aside... Bill I truly believe you do a phenominal
job with this mailing list and having seen a true raw list before
editing, I'll say it again WOW WOW WOW!  and all those who were so
quick with sharp words, I hope your fuzzies bite your toes!!!!!
Love you all, and besides we are HUMAN!
Suzanne, Sarah & Lizzy
Sadie (0.0), Cebo (o.o) Razz-Mimi-Taz (*.*) Mitzi  (-.-)Rascal (^.^)
Honey ('.') Teddy (<.>) Bear ((.() savage Sable (O.O) Buddy ([].[]),
Bandit (>.<) Miss Farrah (`.') and Cinnamon Boy (O.~)
missing my little Sparkles (-.o) and my old man (~.~)Yuri,
Stop by and visit the Ranch for a spell
[Moderator's note: Thanks... though I didn't feel people complained...
rather they just noticed something wasn't quite right!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4651]