Sandee, can you and Muldoone please check on Bear, Boozer, Cody, Silver,
Teddy & Baby for Susie and I?  All except Teddy went to live at the
bridge almost 2 years ago.
Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of Boozer's passing.
Please check on them and make sure they are having a wonderful time.
Bear's favorite pastime was playing and weasel war dancing with his
brudders in fur.  His favorite treat was cantaloupe.  Bear was 6 at the
time he went to the bridge.  (Susie's fur baby)
Boozer was a loving albino ferret who was with us only a few short months
when he succumbed to lymphosarcoma on September 28, 2002.  His favorite
pastime was making new fur friends, playing with his bud Bear and his
new brudders and sisters in fur.  His favorite treats were, honey nut
cheerios, raisins, cantaloupe, ferretone and ferretvite, plus mineral
oil.  He his sorely missed by his hooman mom, Mary, his hooman daddy,
Jim, nekkid sister, Candi, and fur brudders and sisters Bear, Bonnie,
Clyde, Memers, Stinky, Tweaky, & Wiley.  We all send our love to the
bridge for all the fur babies.  Nana and Muldoone, give my baby Boozer
a very special kiss from his mommy.  I sure miss my baby!
Cody's favorite pastime was hiding the dogs roast beef and his favorite
treat was cucumber.  Cody was 4 years old.  (Susie's fur baby)
Silver's favorite pastime was playing tag with his fur brudders and
sisters and his favorite was ferretone & raisins.  Silver was 3 years
old.  (Susie's fur baby)
Teddy's favorite pastime was playing and weasel war dancing and his
favorite treat ferret fruitcake.  1 1/2 years old.  (Susie's fur baby)
Baby belonged to someone else and Susie just had him just long enough to
try to find out what was wrong with him, and help him either pull through
it or help him to the bridge.  Baby was about 6 years old.
[Posted in FML issue 4651]