Sorry to say SB 89 which would have allowed ferret amnesty was vetoed by
our governor.  I was going to celebrate by taking the ferts for a walk
in the park on their harness.  For now they will continue to be regulated
to the back yard.  Taking them to the vet will still be a nerve racking
drive.  If I was stopped by police or involved in even a minor collision,
they could be confiscated.  I will still hold my breath whenever anyone
like a repair person comes into my house.  Will they report me to Fish
and Game?
Sometimes life here in sunny California sucks!  Excuse my language.  To
people in other states, please never take your freedom to own one of
these precious fuzzys for granted.  At least now I don't have to pay
$75.00 each to register them.
[Posted in FML issue 4651]