Hi guys,
I haven't had a lot of time lately, and I've just been lurking.  Thanks
to all of you who have been discussing good relevant ferret stuff!  I
haev really been enjoying it and learning a lot.
I just thought I would like to say, regarding the Tommy Hilfiger thing,
that this was an internet rumour/hoax which began in 1999.  Please visit
the Hilfiger website for Oprah's statement:
and Hilfiger's statement:
And other information regarding this rumour.  Also, please visit
for information on how to stop misinformation and misuse of e-mail.
Now, I would just like to say that I personally dislike "status" clothes
such as the ones Hilfiger produces, but I sure do hate to see propagation
of untruth.  Please check your information, guys -- if you can be taken
in on this rumour, then you might be taken in on something more serious,
such as a virus e-mail or even identity theft.  I can't let something
like that happen to my fellow fuzzy ferret slaves!!!
(and Mab and Dustbin)
christine newkirk
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My Ebay items
ICQ# 3937465
Please visit my website: http://www.midnightferret.com
[Posted in FML issue 4650]