Muldoone, Saraferret, Sandee, fellow members of the FML....
It is with a very heavy heart that I write to you today.  Yesterday
afternoon, the husband and I made helped our dear Snoova cross the
Rainbow Bridge.  He'd valiantly fought with a severe anemia of unknown
cause for quite some time.  He was Daddy's Boy, and a miracle.  The vet
couldn't figure out how he was still alive, with a hematocrit of 8.
Snoova endured blood transfusions, bone marrow transplants, and more
poking and prodding than I would have wanted to deal with.  Thanks to
hard work from our vet and a number of pathologists, we were able to
give Snoova-Snoo months that he otherwise would not have known.
From his very first night with us, Snoova was an eye-opening experience
for the husband.  I remember sitting in our office, Husband at his desk
with Snoova, and me at my desk with Loki, the first night that we'd
brought the baby boys home.  Both drifted off to sleep......
Husband: Honey, I think we lost one.
Me: No we didn't.
Husband: Yeah, I think we lost one, I'm so sorry...
Me: He's fine.
Husband: No, look! (wiggles limp body, Snoova's head rolls limply)
Me: He's fine.
Husband: BUT LOOK!
About that time, Snoova opened his eyes, looked at his daddy and said
"WHAT?  I'm tryin to sleep here!"
Me: *LOL LOL LOL*  Did I forget to mention the Dead Ferret Sleep?
Our boys were largely free roam in our old house, and we'd order pizza
about once a week.  Snoova's favorite was the meat lovers from pizza hut.
He LOVED his italian sausage.  He'd come over and snag a piece, and then
go under the coffee table to eat his prize.
Snoova's last blood transfusion didn't make much of a difference, and
we'd decided that the last gift from the cousins was to be the last.  The
husband and I talked, and we both wanted to be there.  But the husband
had to go out of town for work on Friday afternoon.  So, we were going to
go to the vet's on Friday morning.  But it was not to be.  The vet was
out Friday-Sunday.  So, the appointment was made for Monday afternoon.
Sleve and Loki went with us, and we all said good-bye.  After, we got
Loki and Sleve up on the table to say their last farewells.  They looked
a Snoova, and looked at me and said "yeah, so?  He's sleeping.  No need
to alert the press on that one!" on the car ride home, though, you could
tell that they knew.
Sandee, Muldoone, Saraferret: Snoova doesn't know anyone at the Bridge.
But help him to start the prep work on a nice sofa, and help him find the
sausage.  He's been dreaming of the Bridge for a while now, I've seen it
in his eyes.  I'm so sorry we couldn't make you better, Snoova.  We miss
you more than words can say.  Snoova's passing brings to mind a song that
I've heard by Vince Gill...
I know your life on earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son
Good-bye, Snoova Monster.  We miss you.
Denise, Sleve, Loki, the Husband
[Posted in FML issue 4650]