These girls just have no manners!  Long, LONG ago, I too was a tween girl
and OBSESSED with ferrets!  I never encountered any ferret owners, but if
I did, I would NEVER even think of opening up a cage and taking out
someone else's ferret.  I would have asked first, if they said yes, I
would have waited for the owner to get one out for me to hold.  I suggest
putting on the cage the small paddle locks that are made for suitcases.
They either take a small key or have a quick two digit combination.  If
you have the solid plastic type carrier, drill a little hole by the door
and run a small chain through it and the door, then paddle lock the
chain.  That will stop the girls in their tracks from waking up the
ferrets when your back is turned.  Get some of the yellow "Caution/Do Not
Cross" tape at the hardware store and string it, or zigzag it, a cross
the top of the open pen when the ferrets are sleeping.  If it is at all
possible, just cordon off the entire area while they sleep.  Even the
boldest twe en girl will probably not be brave enough to cross that tape.
Be gentle but firm with these girls and tell them that you must limit the
handling of each ferret to one time, per person, per day.  Say you don't
want the ferrets getting overtired before other people have had a chance
to hold them.  Once the girls have had a turn, they are done for that
day!  When they keep coming back say, " Oh I'm sorry, you girls have
already taken a turn holding them and now we have to give new people a
chance before the ferrets are worn out; however, you are welcome to look
at them all you want." If they won't listen, and pick the ferrets up
anyway, gently take the ferrets from their hand, smile and say something
very patronizing like, "Oh no, we can't let little Slinky Dink and Tid
Bit go getting themselves all tired out and grumpy bumpy now can we?" and
put them back in the pen.  Then start stringing your caution tape and
only let new comers hold them.  Keep on doing the educational days, the
public needs it!  Ferrets are so cute and many people buy them on impulse
without any knowledge of how to properly care for them.  Don't let these
ill mannered girls distract you; wear out your ferrets, or put a damper
on your day.
[Posted in FML issue 4649]