>From: "~*Jules*~" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Hot Spots?? Mysterious Sore on Ferret Side
Hi JUles... and readers.
DO NOT put neosporin on that scab!!!!
It sounds like it is the healing of a mast cell episode- (though without
a vet examining it we are really just guessing) and if no signs of
infection will do well alone.
If you apply neosporin or other topicals with steroids in them ( this is
one) you are taking a chance of the ferret ingesting the medication--
either the one you are treating or another cagemate.  In this case it
COULD cause renal problems.
So... when in doubt please see the vet!  then medicate as he prescribes
only.  Taking a chance with over the counter meds and ferrets can be
Alicia, shelter mom
[Moderator's note: All good advice as is usual from Alicia, but, for the
archives: Neosporin does not contain steroids.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4646]