Your story will touch the hearts of all of us who have had one of our
babies leave us.I feel you are not over-reacting, and have every right to
be more than upset at the care (or lack of it) that your fuzzie received
at the Vet's office.  It should not have mattered that 'your' Vet had
left town (Did he leave as soon as the surgery was finished?), if the
other Vets had no ferret experience, it was most certainly the Vet
Tech's job to assess, intervene, and see to it that your fuzzy received
IMMEDIATE medical care when they noticed he was not stable post-op.  I
would be enraged at the office's cavalier attitude, the Vet leaving after
surgery (without letting you know he was planning to do this), actually
the whole experience.  I might suggest that you try to find a Vet who is
less inclined to perform surgery on a ferret that was obviously still
medically fragile, who's office people are more empathic, both to their
patients and their 'owners', and more responsible in calling the owner as
soon as they note a change in condition.  I feel very sad for you, and
angry at the insensitivity's you had to endure.  Let the FMLers know how
you are doing, and know also that we care.
Big hugs, Michelle, Zorro, Cuddles,Sunshine,'Flake,Wolfgang,Leaper,
Fang,Matt, Ellie, Xena, Harmony, Beauty, Flower, Blossom, and Bu.
[Posted in FML issue 4646]